In-Depth Articles About ... Creativity

What Can You Write About if You Don’t Have Any Ideas?

What Can You Write About if You Don’t Have Any Ideas?

This is a familiar situation for a lot of writers. You want to write – but you don’t have an idea to actually write about. Whether you’re working on blog posts, novels, short stories, or something else entirely, you need ideas. And it can sometimes feel that ideas are…

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Aliventures Winter Break 2023 – Six Posts to Enjoy

Aliventures Winter Break 2023 – Six Posts to Enjoy

I’m taking some time off over the Christmas period – and you might well be doing likewise! Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, and whatever plans you have this season, I hope you have a wonderful end to the year. If you’ve got some extra reading time over the next...

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Summer 2022: The Year So Far … and What’s To Come

Summer 2022: The Year So Far … and What’s To Come

Hello!  I know it’s been a bit quiet here on the Aliventures blog in recent months.  I wanted to take a bit of time to tell you what I’ve been up to – and what’s coming up over the next few months. Freelancing: It’s Going REALLY Well 🙂 I’ve not been blogging...

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How to Choose and Develop a Writing Idea [With Examples]

How to Choose and Develop a Writing Idea [With Examples]

This post was originally published in May 2011 and updated in November 2021. How do you figure out whether one of your writing ideas is worth pursuing or not? Maybe you've got a bunch of different ideas for short stories or even for novels, or perhaps you're coming up...

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How to Write Faster: Twelve Tips to Get More Words Down

How to Write Faster: Twelve Tips to Get More Words Down

Whether you’re a freelancer, a novelist, a student, or even someone writing as part of a day job, then chances are, you want to write faster. Some writers are naturally faster than others – and some genres and types of writing are inevitably going to be faster to produce than others – there are plenty of things…

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How to Write a Book: 10 Crucial Steps to Writing Your Book

How to Write a Book: 10 Crucial Steps to Writing Your Book

If you’ve never written a book before, just the thought of getting that many words down can be daunting. Where do you begin? How do you get from there to the end? Do you really have enough to say to fill up a whole book? Even if you’re not writing a book for the first time, you might feel that you need some extra guidance. Perhaps you muddled through…

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How to Make Faster Progress on Your Writing Project: Ten Crucial Steps

How to Make Faster Progress on Your Writing Project: Ten Crucial Steps

It’s very normal to find that writing doesn’t progress so smoothly or quickly as you’d hoped. Maybe your project takes a lot longer to get to grips with than you thought it would – or maybe life gets in the way. I know that’s been the case for a lot of writers, me included, in 2020. But even in a much more normal year…

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How to Fall in Love With Writing All Over Again

How to Fall in Love With Writing All Over Again

  Note: This post was originally published in February 2016, and was updated in March 2020. Does writing ever (or often) feel like just another thing on your to-do list? If you’ve been writing for years, it can sometimes be tough to remember just why you wanted to...

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How to Write When … You Don’t Feel Inspired

How to Write When … You Don’t Feel Inspired

This is the first post in a new monthly series, “How to Write When…” which will come out on the first Monday of each month. Today I wanted to tackle something that comes up for every writer at some point: How do you write when you don't feel inspired? As writers, we...

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How to Juggle All Your Different Writing Projects

How to Juggle All Your Different Writing Projects

Do you have several different writing projects on the go? Maybe you have a blog, plus you’re working on a novel. You also have a few short stories that you want to revisit and find markets for, and you’re thinking about trying something new, like poetry or...

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Should You Keep Writing Even if It’s Not Fun Any More?

Should You Keep Writing Even if It’s Not Fun Any More?

I mentioned in the Aliventures newsletter a couple of weeks ago that I finished NaNo on 23,000 words: not all that close to the 50,000 words I'd been aiming for! So what happened? Several things: I had a bad cold, my kids were poorly, and we had a few unexpected...

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Welcome Back to Aliventures: Here’s What’s New

Welcome Back to Aliventures: Here’s What’s New

It’s taken me a little longer than I’d hoped … but the new Aliventures is now here! Hurrah! (And welcome back.) 🙂 If you’re reading this on the website, rather than in your inbox or RSS reader, you’ll see that things are looking quite different! This is what the front page of the site used to look like:

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12 Sure-Fire Ways to Find Great Ideas for Your Writing

12 Sure-Fire Ways to Find Great Ideas for Your Writing

Image from Flickr by JogiBaer2 Do you feel as though you never have enough ideas? If so, you’re not alone. Ideas and inspiration were a major concern from writers who responded to the Aliventures summer survey. Often, it feels like all the good ideas are already...

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Have Faith in Yourself and Your Writing

Have Faith in Yourself and Your Writing

Image from Flickr by Sir_Iwan There are all sorts of qualities that writers have, but one that I don’t see discussed a lot is faith. Faith ... ... that you do have something worth saying ... that you aren’t wasting your time ... that someone, somewhere, will be...

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How to Outline Any Piece of Writing

How to Outline Any Piece of Writing

Eternal thanks to the wonderful and talented Antonina for this photo of me! Launa from Indonesia asked me, by email: One of my big dreams is to become a successful writer. I've one project right now. I'm planning to make a non-fiction book. But, I'm still confused...

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The Digitalisation of Reading (and Writing)

The Digitalisation of Reading (and Writing)

Image from Flickr by Poldavo (Alex) Computers are changing the way we read – and the way we write. Paper books and publications tend to belong to one reader (though some are held in libraries). They're damaged by annotations (if someone scribbles on your newspaper,...

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How to Write Thousands of Words Every Single Week

How to Write Thousands of Words Every Single Week

Image from Flickr by jorge.correa How much do you write every week? It’s probably not as much as you’d like. A few years ago, I had all day, every day to write – but I’d still end up spending the whole of Monday writing a couple of pages for my critique group. My...

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Find Your Writing Voice – By Starting With Your Heart

Find Your Writing Voice – By Starting With Your Heart

Photo by the awesome Antonina I had several reasons for taking an MA in Creative Writing – including "getting student discounts". But my main hope was that the course would help me find my writing voice. I didn't think I had much of a voice. I admired voice in others'...

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