Three Act Story Structure (Including the Seven Key Plot Points Your Novel Needs)

Three Act Story Structure (Including the Seven Key Plot Points Your Novel Needs)

Title: Three Act Story Structure (Including the Seven Key Plot Points Your Novel Needs)

Does your novel draft feel a little lopsided? 

Is your pacing off, or does it seem like the story takes ages to get started? Maybe the tension slackens off in the middle, or you feel like something big needs to happen – you’re just not sure what (or when).

Here’s the good news. Most writers will have an innate grasp of the three act story structure. We’ve all read plenty of stories, after all—and seen stories on the screen. (Movies tend to follow a very precise story structure, often down to the minute.) 

So your story is probably already coming close – but your sense that something is “off” suggests the structure needs a bit of tweaking.

We’re going to go through the most basic story structure out there, the Three Act Structure, then dig in a bit deeper with some specific plot points that fit within that structure.

Book recommendation: If you want lots more detail on structure, particularly on how specific plot points work, K.M. Weiland’s Structuring Your Novel is an excellent, detailed, and well-informed read.


Annual Writing Goal Progress in Q3, 2024 (Plus When to Quit a Writing Goal)

Annual Writing Goal Progress in Q3, 2024 (Plus When to Quit a Writing Goal)

Annual Writing Goals: Progress in Q3, 2024 (Plus When to Quit a Goal)

We’ve got slightly under three months left in 2024 … and this is the time when I start to think about all the writing I haven’t yet got done!

If, like me, you had a busier-than-expected summer, you might be running behind where you’d like to be with your writing. By this point in the year, you may also have changed or even ditched some of the writing goals you had back in January.

I’ll run through how my writing goals went during July, August, and September … and I’ll share some thoughts about how to know when it’s time to quit a writing goal.



I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children. Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.

Start Here

If you’re new, welcome! These posts are good ones to start with:

Can You Call Yourself a “Writer” if You’re Not Currently Writing? 

The Three Stages of Editing (and Nine Handy Do-it-Yourself Tips)

What to Do When Your Writing Goals Seem a Long Way Off

If you’d like more suggestions, head to the “Start Here” page:


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