Have Faith in Yourself and Your Writing

9 Apr 2012 | Creativity

Image from Flickr by Sir_Iwan

There are all sorts of qualities that writers have, but one that I don’t see discussed a lot is faith.

Faith …

… that you do have something worth saying

… that you aren’t wasting your time

… that someone, somewhere, will be impacted by your words

… that you’re making progress

… that you’re brave enough (even when you don’t feel at all brave)

Faith doesn’t mean you never have doubts. Faith means you wrestle with those doubts, and you don’t let them beat you.

Faith doesn’t mean you never give up. Faith means that when you’ve fallen down – again and again – you get up and carry on.

I can’t tell you that the writing path is an easy one. I can tell you that it’s worth travelling. And if you want to be a writer, if your life doesn’t feel complete without writing, then you already have the faith that you need.

Today, faith brought you this post.

I didn’t feel like writing a word.

I didn’t even create an outline.

I didn’t know what I wanted to say.

I just knew that today, someone needed to read this. And that today, I needed to write it.




I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.

Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.

My Novels

My contemporary fantasy trilogy isΒ available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so readΒ LycopolisΒ first.

You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.


  1. Bridges Stevenson


    Thanks. I have a blog and it isn’t conventional. I’m not sailing or promoting anything, I’m not giving advice on how to do anything, I’m not even telling about my life. It’s a fictional blog. Not in the sense where I write a blog about a fictional character (which sounds a bit interesting), but it’s just a place where I go to tell stories. I get plenty of hits the couple of days after a new post, but never any comments and I only have seven followers (one of which is myself, because my wife was signed into my google account when she went to follow it). So the last week or so I’ve been contimplating stopping it, my wife keeps telling me to just keep with it and I’ve lost much of the motivation to keep blogging. I know I’m a good story teller and am becoming a better writer (I’ve been doing it for years). So this really is just a thank you, because you were right somebody did need to read this.

    An avid follower Bridges.

    p.s. I may stop blogging for a bit, but I’ll never stop writing.
    Bridges Stevenson’s last blog post ..Writer’s Block and a Favor From My Followers

      • Ali

        Thanks, Bridges … and it sounds like you may have people who prefer to read by coming direct to your blog (hence the hits) rather than people who want to subscribe. I think the discipline of blogging regularly is definitely worth it: simply writing on a regular basis is such a valuable habit to get into.

    • LycoRogue

      Bridges –

      I was/am in the same place. My blog is the “old school” diary set up and it is by far a baby-blog. No one seems to find it.

      However, I started really promoting it on Fanfiction.net, and DeviantArt.com and Facebook and I’m starting to find more and more hits (only about 8 a day, but better than nothing). I finally have my first comments and I finally have my first follower and first subscriber. It kept me about two years and it’s close FB friends that let me know they regularly read.

      However, writing helps me sort things out, and the regular readers (even if there’s only 5 of them) tell me all the time that they enjoy my work.

      So I say WRITE ON, DUDE! The readership may be small, but I’m sure they’ll notice if you stop. Plus, who knows how big the blog will eventually become with a little more publicity. πŸ˜€

      Good luck!
      LycoRogue’s last blog post ..A Time Out for Setting Goals

    • Ali

      πŸ™‚ And thank you, Kyeli … your courage and honesty on The Connection Revolution helped me write this one and actually hit publish on it.

  2. Bill Polm

    Good one, Ali. I too think that needed saying.

    I think we think alike. At least you keep beating me to the “draw” with topics like this.

    But good points. We all have our doubts at times. Is all this work really worth it? And of course it is. I would write–actually I have for years–without any guarantees any other person would ever read a word of it, although I can always count on my daughters to read my writing. Writing keeps me alive mentally and even to an extent emotionally too. It was my key to acing exams in college (when I aced them, that is!). It’s one of the best ways I know to learn.

    P.S,. I’m writing a review on Aliventures for my fiction writing alma mater the Longridge Writers’ Group, so I went to your site to figure out is it a blog or newsletter. Conclusion: Newsletter. That’s why I read this article of yours so quickly.
    Bill Polm’s last blog post ..Building a Novel Demands Organization

    • Ali

      I completely agree with you, Bill, that writing is so important for the mind and spirit. It’s definitely a great way to learn, and to assimilate information (if I’ve grasped something enough to write about it, then it tends to stick…)

      You can call Aliventures whatever you like (well, so long as it’s not rude ;-)). to me, it’s a website or blog, but most of the people who subscribe do so by email (so I guess it’s probably a newsletter to them!) I also have the separate Aliventures newsletter that goes out every Wednesday, which is for quick, short pieces and brief updates on what I’m up to.

  3. Karen

    These words carry more meaning than you realize. People like me need to know that we are not alone when it comes to self-doubt. I admire your honesty about not knowing what to write about and not feeling like writing. Valuable words in this post. . .

    • Ali

      Thanks Karen! I think it’s so easy for writers to give the impression that it’s effortless … when actually, we all have days when we really struggle to get the words out.

  4. Brad Alexander

    I like the style of this post, not just the content. You can tell that this came straight from the heart. I regularly struggle with keeping faith that I am on the right path with my projects. I guess it is just like driving in a new city. You think you have missed the turn so you turn around, only to later realize after much searching that you were almost there.
    Brad Alexander’s last blog post ..The Normalization of Mediocrity

    • Ali

      Thanks Brad, I’m really glad that the style worked … I was worried it was too different from my usual posts! And I love your analogy with driving; yes, sometimes we just don’t realise that we’re already at our destination (or even that we’ve stumbled across an even better destination).

  5. Kate

    Thank you Ali. I REALLY needed to read that right at the exact moment I did. A wonderful synchronicity.

    • Ali

      πŸ™‚ Thanks, Kate! I’m so glad this came at the right time for you.

  6. Ritu


    I’m so glad you needed to write this because I loved reading it. There’s never a bad time to have faith or be inspired.

    Thanks πŸ™‚
    Ritu’s last blog post ..What’s Your Relationship To Inspiration?

    • Ali

      Thanks Ritu! And good point, faith and inspiration are always valuable, whether we’re feeling great or not-so-great.

  7. Tineke Brinks


    I am new to your blog but I really like it. I don’t comment a lot on blogs and I don’t even know why not because there is always something to say. I am starting to realize it is important for a blogger to know somebody is reading their words. So from now on I will comment even if it is just to say ‘I like it’. I like it!

    • Ali

      Thanks for taking the time to comment, Tineke! It definitely means a lot to bloggers to know that their words are being read and appreciated. πŸ™‚

  8. TNeal

    Ali, good words to encourage writers today. I remember having the privilege of meeting Jerry B. Jenkins of “Left Behind” fame. I asked him how he handled the harsh criticism that some directed toward him. He said that the note from a changed life, of which he had many, encouraged him to continue doing what he does. I’ve had a friend recently encourage me after reading my novel. “Tom, your story will change lives.”

    You made the choice to write, and I’m glad you did. Thanks.
    TNeal’s last blog post ..Are You A Part of This Story?

    • Ali

      It’s sad when authors come in for a lot of bile… I think readers don’t always realise just how much work goes into a novel (or in the case of Left Behind, an entire series). And honestly, for me, if just one reader is changed by what I’ve written, that makes it worthwhile.

  9. Cally Jackson

    Like many of the commenters above, I too needed to read this post this morning (Aus time). Thank you for your generosity of spirit – it means a lot.Β 

    I’m in a difficult patch of editing at the moment, and that inevitable question has bubbled to the surface – is this all worth it? You’ve reminded me of why it is, and I shall do my best to keep the faith. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks, Cally! And good luck with the editing. It will be worth it. πŸ™‚

  10. Michelle Blake

    Thank you for this post. It was something i needed to read and i’m glad you felt the need to write it. I’m new to writing and very new to blogging but it is faith and courage you need to get yourself out there. It is something you need to remember to keep going. Thank you.
    Michelle Blake’s last blog post ..Packed and ready to go: no kitchen sink necessary

    • Ali

      Thanks Michelle, and welcome to the world of blogging! πŸ™‚

  11. Johanne

    It is a good reminder. I have so often told friends or my children just that, however, it is difficult to grab hold of that vision for myself. There are now so many eloquent voices on the Web. I am taking steps to find my own voice and look forward to reading the e-books you created which I have recently purchased.

    • Ali

      Thanks for buying the ebooks, Johanne. πŸ™‚ And yes, I think it’s often easier to value other people’s dreams and visions, and to let our own slide … I sometimes have to remind myself to take all the good advice that I’d want to give to a friend.

  12. Krissy

    I had my very first rejection recently and these words have helped me Ali. I’m picking myself back up. Slowly but surely.
    Krissy’s last blog post ..Tattly’s The Egg Carton

    • Ali

      Sorry to hear about your rejection, Krissy — I’m glad you’re picking yourself back up. (And congratulations on being brave enough to submit, too; so many writers never reach that stage.)

      I don’t know if you’ve read Stephen King’s book “On Writing” … in there, he describes keeping rejection slips on a nail in the wall. He had to replace it with a spike because the nail would no longer take the weight of all that paper. And he did pretty well in the end. πŸ˜‰ That always encourages me. πŸ™‚

  13. Donna @ NappyDaze

    Here’s another who needed to read and heed these wise words today – thank you for the gentle reminder x
    Donna @ NappyDaze’s last blog post ..How to save a life…

    • Ali

      Thanks Donna, glad this helped! πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks Sandeep!

  14. Nicole D.

    This is really inspiring. There are times when I lack faith in myself as well. I’m just wondering, what is the biggest challenge that you have as a writer?
    Nicole D.’s last blog post ..How To Pick Up Girls

    • Ali

      Thanks Nicole, and what a great question! I think my biggest challenge is not taking on too much at once … I always seem to have too many projects on the go. On the plus side, I’m never bored..!

  15. Zac | Turningpoint Motivation

    Beautiful post Ali!

    Brief, but from the heart. Different from your usual long informative posts, but still relevant and helpful to us faithful readers.

    Sounds like something I would write on my blog. I haven’t blogged in a while, but this timely post has re-ignited the flame, I just realized how relevant the pic is too…
    Zac | Turningpoint Motivation’s last blog post ..Why You’re Blog Is Like An Abandoned Amusement Park, And What You Can Do About It

    • Ali

      Thanks Zac, I’m really glad that something different worked.

      I chose that pic because the flame’s still burning even though it’s melted all the wax… faith can keep us going even when we think we’re out of fuel. πŸ™‚

  16. Archan Mehta

    You have poetry in your heart, Ali, what a nice piece to read today. Thanks for your contribution, as always.
    There is a rythm and a cadence to your words: the way you use language is like music to the ears from a favorite song. I felt like I could almost dance to the beat of this blog post. It was uncharacteristic of you to write it, but risks sometimes pay off. And how. In your childhood, you used to write poetry. Even today, that talent shows.

    • Ali

      Thanks Archan! I spent a while editing this one to get the words just right; I’m glad it worked. I never wrote much poetry (and the few poems I did attempt in my teens were *really* bad…!) but I do love the richness of the English language — so many wonderful words to choose from. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Yeah, it’s like writing without a safety net. Hardcore. πŸ˜‰

  17. Ruth Harris

    Not log ago I wanted to comment on a post and the response required me to have a blog. So I set one up, (after thinking about it for the last couple of years.)
    I wrote my first post today. Clicking on a ‘Suggestion’ brought me here. Good stuff.
    It was good to hear the responses to your “Faith” post.
    By the way- that title was why I didn’t go on, I stayed to read. I’m glad I did.
    Blessings- Ruth
    Ruth Harris’s last blog post ..Alpha

    • Ali

      Ruth, I’m so glad you stopped by, and that you stayed to read! And congratulations on writing your first post … I hope there’ll be many more to come. πŸ™‚

  18. Victoria

    Hi Ali!

    First time here and you got it right: another one here needing to read these words! πŸ™‚

    These Aliventures bring a lot of inspiration (and good advice). Good for us you have faith in yourself.

    Many thanks!

    • Ali

      Thanks Victoria, and welcome! Great to have you here, I hope you’ll stick around. πŸ™‚

  19. Gerty

    Thank you for writing this blog every Wednesday, even when you don’t feel like it, even when you may struggle to know what to write about. Your words, they inspire me to keep believing it is possible for me to write that allusive novel someday. You rekindle my candle.

    • Ali

      Thanks, Gerty. I’m glad to inspire you … and I hope that the day for starting your novel is getting closer and closer. πŸ™‚

  20. Antony N Britt

    I am not at all religious, so I have no faith in any God. However, I am a writer and there are times when I wonder, ‘Will anybody ever want my work again?’ When that feeling occurs, I verge on having more faith in a God I don’t believe in than in my own ability. I do have all the faith qualities you speak of, but sometimes get sick of the bruises after getting up from my falls.

    Good piece.


    • Ali

      Thanks Nick… and I hope you do keep getting back up again, even after the inevitable disappointments of the writing life.

      (For what it’s worth … I *am* religious — Christian — but I wanted to write about a different sort of faith here; I’m glad the post worked for you. :-))

  21. Corinne Rodrigues

    Just what I needed to read today, Ali. I wrote a post on similar lines yesterday – this was an affirmation for me β™₯
    Corinne Rodrigues’s last blog post ..Finding My Voice

    • Ali

      Thanks, Corinne! I’m glad this came at a good time for you. πŸ™‚

  22. Slavko Desik

    Great post Ali.
    I wrote something that I think fits here as well. It goes like this:
    If we don’t believe in ourselves, then expecting others to is ridiculous. All of us have that voice in us that loves to question things from time to time. Having faith in ourselves, and the things we are doing puts that voice on mute.
    Slavko Desik’s last blog post ..Self-Employment – Benefits and Advantages

    • Ali

      Thanks for sharing that, Slavko; and I agree, we need to learn to tune out that critical inner voice. I think it can be really tough to believe in ourselves at times, but it’s important to make an effort (rather than to just give in to self-doubt).

  23. Travis Ehrenstrom

    To contribute to this, I’d highly recommend “Letter to a Young Poet” by Rainard Rilke. As a songwriter, i’ve found when I lose touch of the muse, I drift towards a fog of not understanding. Rilke poses the question, “must you write?” I think it’s true for anyone that read this post, that yes we must! Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Ali

      Thanks Travis! And yes, I think we writers don’t really have much choice … writing’s in our blood!

  24. Joyce Lugstein

    Nice post Ali! Having faith helps us in everything we do (writer or not). Thanks for being such an inspiration.
    Joyce Lugstein’s last blog post ..4 Chic Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

    • Ali

      Thanks Joyce! πŸ™‚

  25. Sabrina S.

    Thanks for this post. I needed it today. You’re right, writing requires faith. That’s what keeps us going! Keep up the good work and congrats on publishing your book!
    Cheers from France
    Sabrina S.’s last blog post ..The Burning Question #3

    • Ali

      Thanks, Sabrina! Glad this one came at a good time for you. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks, Paris. And good luck with your writing!

  26. troubleshuta

    i love the feeling i had reading this…thumbs up lady!


  1. 5 Ways To Renew Faith In Your Work And Yourself | Writing And Wellness - […] and editor Ali Luke says it’s about not giving […]

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