Aliventures Winter Break 2023 – Six Posts to Enjoy

14 Dec 2023 | Creativity

I’m taking some time off over the Christmas period – and you might well be doing likewise! Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, and whatever plans you have this season, I hope you have a wonderful end to the year.

If you’ve got some extra reading time over the next couple of weeks, here are are six blog posts from the second half of 2023 on Aliventures for you:

If you want to get inspired & ready for 2024:

Morning vs Night Writing Sessions: Which is Right for You … and How Can You Tell? 

Developing Your Creative Process as a Writer (Instead of Working Against Yourself)

How to Set the Stage Now for Writing Success in 2024: Five Things to Do During December

If you’re working on a novel:

Internal and External Conflict: Why Your Story Needs Both (and How to Do Them Well)

What Exactly is Pacing in Fiction? (And Is Your Pace Too Fast, Too Slow, or Just Right?)

How Much Should You Revise Your Work Before Sending it to a Beta Reader? 

Want more posts to read? Take a look at the summer reading list from earlier this year … and if that’s not quite enough for you, check out the full archive of past Aliventures posts here

Happy holidays – and I’ll be back blogging again in January!


I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.

Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.

My Novels

My contemporary fantasy trilogy is available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so read Lycopolis first.

You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.


  1. Panna Das

    I am very excited to know the whole thing.

    I am a writer.

    I wrote something for you in your country

    Willing to give to magazine.

  2. Tyler

    This helped me through the winter, thank you Ali for posting this content and helping me with all of the thoughts of what I am going to do for the winter.

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