Contact Me

I love hearing from readers, especially if you have a comment or suggestion about the blog or newsletter, or about my books. 

If you’d like me to write for your website/publication, take a look at my Hire Me page.

The best way to reach me is by email to

You can also find me at:

I don’t run ads or sponsored posts, and I’m not currently accepting guest posts.

Quick Answers

Do you take guest posts?

Very rarely, and only by personal invitation. Please don’t contact me with a guest post pitch as it’s extremely unlikely I’ll be able to use it.

Will you try out my tool / app / website?

I get so many requests to try out tools / apps / websites / etc, I have to say “no” to all of them. Please don’t contact me asking me to try yours: even if it’s great, I’m afraid I simply don’t have the time!

Can I advertise on your blog?

No, you can’t. I don’t run ads on Aliventures and I don’t accept sponsored posts. I also don’t do joint ventures or similar affiliate promotions.

Can you help me with a writing problem?

I’m always very open to suggestions for questions or problems that I can tackle in the Aliventures newsletter (or, if they’re a bit meatier, on the blog). I’m afraid I can’t offer individual help and support by email, though.

Recent Blog Posts

Aliventures Summer Break 2024 – 10 Posts to Catch Up On

Aliventures Summer Break 2024 – 10 Posts to Catch Up On

It's summer time here in the UK and I'm taking a few weeks off from blogging. I'll be enjoying a trip to the North Wales coast, plus lots of adventures with my kids! I'll be back when they start the new school year in early September. If you've got a bit of downtime...

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How to Get Your Characters Right As You Rewrite Your Novel

How to Get Your Characters Right As You Rewrite Your Novel

When you’re reworking your first or second draft, you’ll likely be making some changes relating to your characters and their characterisation (how they come across on the page). If you didn’t quite nail your characters’ personalities or their character arcs during the...

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