In-Depth Articles About ... Blogging

Why You Should Be Blogging … and Why You Shouldn’t

Why You Should Be Blogging … and Why You Shouldn’t

If you’re not already blogging, you’ve probably wondered whether you should be. If you are already blogging, you’ve probably wondered whether it’s a waste of time. As you might guess from the very existence of the Aliventures blog, I’m a fan of blogging....

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Three of my Recent Guest Posts

Three of my Recent Guest Posts

As well as blogging here on Aliventures, I hop around the web, taking advantage of other people's lovely blogs and readers too (and you may well have found Aliventures through one of my guest posts...) Here's where I've been over the past week: All the below links...

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Extra Reading for August: Five of my Recent Guest Posts

Extra Reading for August: Five of my Recent Guest Posts

I've been busy guest-posting again this month, so here's some extra reading that you might enjoy... #1: How to Improve Your Writing Skills by Analyzing Structure on Men with Pens This is a hefty guest post where I dig deep into an ebook and a blog post to demonstrate...

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Extra Reading for July: Three of My Recent Guest Posts

Extra Reading for July: Three of My Recent Guest Posts

I haven’t written as many guest posts as usual this month, because I was busy with The Blogger’s Guide to Irresistible Ebooks. I really enjoyed writing it, but I’m kinda glad to have it done and out there! Of course, with ebooks on my mind, there was a pretty obvious...

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Extra Reading for June: Six of My Recent Guest Posts

Extra Reading for June: Six of My Recent Guest Posts

(Photo thanks to London contemporary portrait photographer Antonina Mamzenko) Next week, I’m off to Winchester Writers’ Conference for several days of seminars, workshops and assorted writing fun. Hurrah! 🙂 I’ll be blogging about what I learn, so stay tuned... (Grab...

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Extra Reading: Six of My Recent Guest Posts

Extra Reading: Six of My Recent Guest Posts

(Image from Flickr by barry.pousman) You might have seen posts from me popping up on other writing-related sites around the net. (You might well have come to read Aliventures as a result of one of them – if so, welcome!) The lovely Ainslie Hunter has been encouraging...

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Why Writers Should Blog and Bloggers Should Write

Why Writers Should Blog and Bloggers Should Write

(Photo of me is thanks to my fantastic father-in-law!) For a couple of years now, I've been caught between two different worlds. There's the blogging world. Your world. The world where I write these posts, and read other people's work, and make a living. Then there's...

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Seven Blogging and Writing Lessons from BlogWorld

Seven Blogging and Writing Lessons from BlogWorld

In the comments on Eight (Non-Blogging) Things I Learnt at Blog World, Mary E. Ulrich wrote: Sounds like a wonderful trip and lots of lessons. And this is before I even hear about the good stuff you’ve learned. Thanks for letting us share some of your excitement about...

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