Extra Reading for August: Five of my Recent Guest Posts

24 Aug 2011 | Blogging

I’ve been busy guest-posting again this month, so here’s some extra reading that you might enjoy…

#1: How to Improve Your Writing Skills by Analyzing Structure on Men with Pens

This is a hefty guest post where I dig deep into an ebook and a blog post to demonstrate how to pull apart structures (and why you’d want to!)

Some blog posts, sales pages and ebooks just work. You get absorbed in them. You never get lost or have to read a paragraph twice. Once you’ve finished, you feel like you’ve learned something (yes, even with a sales page).

How do the writers do it? Great structure.

#2: Seven Easy Steps to Much Faster Writing on Write to Done

Often, I get asked how I produce so much content. It’s pretty simple: I write fast! And in this post, I show you how.

If you can write fast (and well), you’re set for success.

You’ll be able to pump out blog posts, newsletter content, free ebooks and more – without killing yourself in the process. You’ll be able to meet deadlines. You can price by the project, and make a great hourly rate.

#3: Why There’ll Never Be a Perfect Time to Write on Daily Writing Tips

Are you waiting for the “perfect” time to start your novel or launch your blog? Here’s why that time’s never going to come…

There are an awful lot of activities that feel much easier than writing. Doing the housework. “Networking” on Twitter. Making a coffee. Sure, you’ll have the occasional day when you’re filled with inspiration and you can’t wait to get to the keyboard. But those days are pretty rare.

#4: Play to Your Strengths on Productive Flourishing

Whatever stage you’re at with your writing, your business or your life, you’ve got certain strengths that can propel you forwards. Are you using them?

Sometimes, you’ll have known what you’re great at for years. I’ve known since I was about 13 that I could write well and write fast. (Unsurprisingly, I’m a writer…)

Other times, though, your strengths will surprise you. Something that you thought was a weakness will reveal itself in a new light.

 #5: Use the Right Word and Establish a Connection With Your Reader on The Connection Revolution

This post explains how to make your readers feel safe and connected by using language that will resonate with them. I look at emails and at online content more generally.

Some people write chatty, friendly emails; others prefer to be concise and get straight to the point. You might naturally tend towards one or the other – but when you’re communicating with someone, consider adapting to suit their style.

Hope you enjoy reading these guest posts; as ever, if there’s a particular topic you’d like me to cover on Aliventures or in a guest post, just let me know!


I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.

Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.

My Novels

My contemporary fantasy trilogy is available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so read Lycopolis first.

You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.


  1. Archan Mehta


    Thank you for keeping us in the loop. These updates are useful for those of us who wish to read your work. It is a thoughtful gesture. It is great to know you are doing well in your career as a freelancer. Best wishes, as always.


    • Ali

      Thanks, Archan! Always appreciate your support. 🙂

  2. farouk

    good Job Ali
    i came across some of these posts before
    keep it 🙂

    • Ali

      Thanks Farouk!

  3. Shyxter

    Thanks for updating us, Ali. For the past few weeks of reading your posts, I’ve learned so much already. As a new writer, your tips are very useful. I especially admire your ability to write fast 🙂 And it does take me 2 hours to finish a 500-word article. Your guest post article on Seven Easy Steps to Much Faster Writing is just the advice that I need. After reading it, I feel so encouraged to learn to write faster. With proper time management and self-discipline, I hope I will succeed.

    Thank you, Ali 🙂

    • Ali

      Thanks, Shyxter! Really glad the posts are helping. Good luck with writing faster — it takes time, but it’s definitely possible to speed up. The more you write, the easier it gets…

  4. Doug

    Frabjous 😉 as ever.
    This is the teaching that I should of been given at school. Especially #2, as this; more than anything else, is why I never considered further education.
    Having read this article I realise now, that what handicapped me, was not doing that initial mindmap, and then constantly editting as I wrote.
    And wanting perfection, I, was never satisfied, with the little that I did write, not realising that perfection needs practice, and perserverance. It was easier not to bother writting and my teachers let me get away with it.
    (Not perfect , probably too many ANDS, but it was the fastest I have ever written a comment )
    Ta! Your F. F-i-L.

    • Ali

      I think schools are getting better at this (we did quite a lot of mindmapping, and we were told to outline, though no-one really taught us how..!)

      I write quickly, but I do edit a lot after I write — not so much with blog posts, but definitely with fiction. (Which is why you haven’t been sent a copy of the novel yet, it still needs more polishing!) Though I’ve slowly realised that perfection is always going to be one more step away…

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