Summer Reading: Seven Posts You Might Have Missed

20 Jul 2021 | Motivation

I’m taking a few weeks off from blogging, so regular posts will resume mid-September. In the meantime, here are seven of my favourite posts from the past seven months for you to enjoy:

How to Be a Writer: Ten Important Steps to Becoming a Writer (and Living Your Dreams) 

What exactly does it mean to be a writer? And how do you go about becoming one? That’s what I set out to answer in this post, offering ten simple but important steps you can take if you want to be a writer.

How to Come Up With Lots of Great Ideas for Your Writing [With Examples] 

Do you ever feel stuck for ideas? If you’re struggling to come up with an idea for your latest blog post or short story, this piece should help. I offer some different techniques to try (and take a look at what not to do).

How to Write Faster: Twelve Tips to Get More Words Down

Whatever type of writing you do, the faster you can do it, the better — so long as you still enjoy it, of course. Through many years of writing freelance articles and fiction, I’ve learnt a lot about how to get words down fast. I share my best tips in this post.

Get Re-Excited About Your Writing Project: Seven Ways to Stay Motivated to Write

Have you stalled part-way through a project? A lot of writers find that they feel inspired and motivated when starting something new … only to end up losing momentum part-way in. This post goes through some ways to keep up your motivation for the long haul.

 What Bad Writing Looks Like … and How to Fix It [With Detailed Examples] 

No one wants to write a bad piece — but what exactly does “bad” look like? In this post, I look in detail at a draft piece of fiction, showing where the writing is sub-par … and demonstrating how to go about fixing it.

The Three Stages of Editing (and Nine Handy Do-it-Yourself Tips)

It’s easy to think of “editing” as simply meaning fixing typos and mistakes … but there’s a lot more to editing than that. Ideally, you want to approach editing in three distinct stages. I run through them in this post, and offer some tips for self-editing your work.

Seven Habits of Serious Writers to Help You Go Further

It can take time (and a whole lot of effort) to see success as a writer. These seven habits are great ones to cultivate: they’ll all help you go further with your writing, whether you’re a blogger, freelancer, or fiction writer.

You might also want to check out my new Resources page, featuring my favourite writing (and blogging) software and tools.


I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.

Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.

My Novels

My contemporary fantasy trilogy is available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so read Lycopolis first.

You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.


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Time to Write is a short ebook packed with tried-and-tested tips that really work to carve out more time for writing ... however busy you are.


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