Supercharge Your Writing Guides Released (And On Sale) PLUS Special Bonus Facebook Group

16 Feb 2021 | Old post

Feeling in need of a writing boost?

I’ve got a couple of new things to share with you today. Here’s the very quick version:

  • Supercharge Your Writing Environment and Supercharge Your Writing Progress, the final two ebooks in the Supercharge Your Writing series, are now available (and on sale).
  • I’ve created a new, free Facebook group for writers, the Aliventures Club. It’s open to everyone who’s ever worked with me in any way, or bought an ebook, course, etc from me.

And here’s what you might like to know about each:

Supercharge Your Writing (From $5)

To celebrate completing the Supercharge Your Writing series, I’m putting all the individual ebooks in the series on sale.

They’re normally $8 each, but until the end of Friday 26th February, you can pick them up extra cheap:

If you don’t have any of the ebooks yet, the best way to get them is to buy the four pack for just $20.

You can find out about all the Supercharge Your Writing ebooks here, or you can use the links above if you want to check out a specific one.

The Aliventures Club (Free!)

Back when I ran a survey last year, a lot of Aliventures readers said they’d really like a free writing group, and that a monthly subscription would be out of reach. When I (re)launched the Writers’ Huddle Forum, I kept the subscription as low as I could … but I was aware that prevented some people from joining.

I couldn’t figure out a way to do a free group without risking it getting overrun with spammers and/or people who wouldn’t be a good fit (and requiring a lot of my time to moderate) … but now I have a solution!

The Aliventures Club is permanently free, for anyone who’s ever bought anything from me or worked with me in any capacity. That means we don’t have a situation where just anyone can join, but where it’s hopefully as affordable and accessible as possible for people who already know me (at least a bit) and like what I do.

This means I can hang out with you, chat about writing, answer questions, and be accessible in a way that just wouldn’t work with a free-for-all group. I’m really excited about it. 🙂

Want to join? If you’ve worked with me or bought anything from me in the past, however long ago, you can! If you haven’t bought anything from me before, then I’d recommend grabbing one of the new Supercharge Your Writing Guides – at $5 each, they’re the cheapest thing I have going.

Note: If you’ve ever had a free membership in a course, class, or site that I’ve run, then I would love to have you in the Aliventures Club, too. Please don’t feel you have to buy anything extra.

I did think long and hard about where to have this group as (a) quite a few people in the survey weren’t keen on using Facebook for this type of group and (b) I have some reservations myself about Facebook. But, after weighing up various options, I felt that a Facebook group would be the best fit for the biggest number of people (including me).

The Supercharge Your Writing guides are on sale until Friday 26th February, so now’s a great time to grab one – or you can get the whole set for just $20. Grab yours, then come and join us in the Aliventures Club. I’d love to see you there!


I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.

Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.

My Novels

My contemporary fantasy trilogy is available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so read Lycopolis first.

You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

1 Comment

  1. Federico Castillo

    Hi, I’m new to writing and I’m very glad I found your blog. Very inspiring and well written. I will try.

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