Aliventures Summer Sale (2021) Now On!

13 Jul 2021 | Old post

Want a writing boost this summer?

Everything I sell is half-price until the end of Thursday 22nd July only.


  • Get Writing (a guided introduction to four areas of writing – freelancing, blogging, short stories, and novels – plus tips for going further with each) – $20 $10
  • Supercharge Your Writing (four guides to help you make the most of your writing time, however limited it is) – $8 $4 each or $20 $10 for all four
  • The Self-Study Seminar Packs (pre-recorded seminars on various aspects of writing) – $20 $10 each or $50 $25 for all six packs

So which should you go for?

Well, you can get the whole lot for just $45 😉 … but if you just want one or two options, here’s what I recommend:

If you’re not sure what to write or want to try out a new area of writing, begin with Get Writing. It has beginner-friendly tips on freelancing, blogging, short stories, and novel writing, along with four week plans to get you started. If you’re already experienced with one of those areas of writing, just head straight to the advance tips in that section.

If you know what you want to write but you can’t seem to find time or make progress, go for the Supercharge Your Writing guides. They’re designed to work together, so I recommend getting the whole set while it’s half price. If you just want one pack, though, Supercharge Your Writing Session will help you get writing straight away.

If you want to dig deep into a particular aspect of writing, check out the Self-Study Seminar Packs. Novelists are particularly well covered here (with packs 2, 5, and 6) but there are also packs on time management, freelancing, and self-publishing. These are also a great option if you like to listen rather than read … though all the seminars also have a full transcript, to cater for everyone.

BONUS: Free Access to the Aliventures Club

Whenever you buy anything from me (even if it’s only $4), you also get full access to The Aliventures Club on Facebook.

This is a private members-only group where you can talk about writing, share your successes, ask questions, and get support.

We have a lovely bunch of friendly writers, at all different stages, so do come and join us. 🙂

The half-price Summer Sale only lasts until the end of Thurday 22nd July, so make sure you grab anything you want before then. Here are the links again:


I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.

Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.

My Novels

My contemporary fantasy trilogy is available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so read Lycopolis first.

You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.


Frustrated? Overwhelmed? Never enough writing time?

Time to Write is a short ebook packed with tried-and-tested tips that really work to carve out more time for writing ... however busy you are.


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