Happy 2020 … and Upcoming Changes at Aliventures

Happy New Year! I hope your decade is off to an excellent beginning.
It’s been an exciting start to 2020 for me, because on Monday I started work with Awesome Motive, the company behind a whole lot of website-related sites and software: WPBeginner, OptinMonster, WPForms, MonsterInsights and more. I’m going to be writing for WPBeginner.
I’m thrilled to be working alongside some fantastic writers and colleagues at AM, and I’m really excited by the opportunities there.
What This Means for Aliventures: Upcoming Changes
Of course, I’m still keen to keep blogging here – so Aliventures definitely isn’t going away.
I will, however, be reducing the frequency of blog posts and newsletters. There’ll be one new blog post every two weeks, and one newsletter every two weeks. (I’ll alternate these so you get something each week.)
I’m also going to be tweaking the direction and focus of Aliventures for 2020. In the past, I’ve loved covering all sorts of different topics to do with writing – blogging, short stories, writing dialogue, editing, motivation, and more. But one common thread throughout most of what I’ve written has been to do with making the most of your writing time … and that’s going to be the new focus for Aliventures.
I’ll be taking some time in January to make some changes to the Aliventures website, but I’ll be publishing blog posts and newsletters regularly again from the end of January onwards.
Want to Get More from Your Writing Time? Start Here
In the meantime, I’ve got a bunch of posts on Aliventures about making the most of your writing time that you might want to read or revisit. Here are six of my favourites:
17 Ways to Make the Most of Your Writing Time – Even When It’s Limited
It’s Not Just About Making Time: How Can You Find the Energy to Write?
How to Make Faster Progress on Your Writing Project: Ten Crucial Steps
Six Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing Environment (and Get More Done)
How Can You Keep Writing if You Work Long Hours?
How to Find the Time and Energy to Write When You Have Young Children
“Get Writing” on January Sale
I’m also running a January Sale on Get Writing, which I’m planning to add to this year. (When you buy it, you get all future updates for free.)
Instead of the usual $10, Get Writing is just $5 until the end of January.
Get Writing is a 56-page .pdf ebook that offers a beginner-friendly guide to four areas: blogging, short stories, novels and freelancing. It’s designed to help you try out new areas of writing, or get back into an area of writing that you’ve not made as much progress on as you’d have liked.
Each section of the ebook has key tips, a detailed four week plan, plus “going further” suggestions. The ebook is designed to help you explore different types of writing – ideal if you want to write but you don’t know what, or if you’d like to try something new.
Get Writing also comes with three extra goodies:
#1: A 20 minute video showing you, step by step, how to set up a WordPress.com blog or website
#2: A printable word count tracker so you can see how your writing efforts add up
#3: An exclusive discount code that gets you 50% off my other downloadable products.
You can find out more, and buy it at the discounted price, here.
I’ll be back to regular blogging again in a few weeks, but if you want to make sure you don’t miss any blog posts or newsletter articles, sign up for the newsletter here. By default, you’ll get the blog posts and the newsletters (but you can opt out of either of these at any time).
I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.
Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.
Start Here
If you're new, welcome! These posts are good ones to start with:
Can You Call Yourself a “Writer” if You’re Not Currently Writing?
The Three Stages of Editing (and Nine Handy Do-it-Yourself Tips)
My Novels
My contemporary fantasy trilogy is available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so read Lycopolis first.
You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.
I think that you can easily achieve your future plans in this year. Do not lose the opportunities to improve your business.
Exciting stuff! Glad to hear your 2020 is off to a great start. It’s the first time I’ve come across your blog. Will keep an eye out for future blogs you put up!