For a long time, I’ve wanted to create something new.

I love writing here on Aliventures: there’s such a friendly and supportive community of readers and commenters here (thank you!)

I love running ecourses: I really enjoy teaching people about writing and blogging.

I love coaching: it’s great to get to work one-on-one with a writer, and see their confidence and skill grow with every session.

And I’m going to keep doing all of those things. 🙂


I’ve also got something new. Something that I’m very excited about.

I wanted to bring together a tighter-knit community. Comments and Tweets are great, but they don’t allow for a high level of interaction – or any privacy.

I wanted to create lots of teaching material, on a regular basis – so writers could pick and choose from what they needed.

I wanted to help and support writers who can’t afford regular one-to-one coaching.

And so I’ve created Writers’ Huddle.

A Quick Introduction to Writers’ Huddle

Writers’ Huddle is my biggest project yet. It’s a community and teaching site, where you get regular new content and the opportunity to interact with other writers.

It’s open to any writer who wants to join: novelists, short-story writers, freelancers, bloggers… it doesn’t matter what sort of writing you do, you’ll be welcomed.

You can find out all about Writers’ Huddle here.

Please take a look as soon as you get the chance, because membership is only open until 31st January. After that, I’ll be closing the doors to Writers’ Huddle while we all get to know one another and it won’t reopen for a few months.

If you join now, you’ll become a founding member of Writers’ Huddle. You’ll have the opportunity to help shape the community, and you’ll be able to suggest new features and content for the site.

Click here to find out all about the mini-courses, the forums, the seminars, the Q&As, the Seven Pillars of Great Writing ebook and more…

Wish You Had More Time to Write?

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