Quick version if you’re in a hurry:

  • All three of my Blogger’s Guides are half-price from 6th – 11th December
  • All the money raised in that time will be going to Divya Shanthi, a small charity in Bangalore, India

And now, the slightly longer version…

Back in 2010, I spent a few days in Bangalore with my family (parents, brother, sister and then-fiancé-now-husband). We were there Divya Shanthi, a small charity that my church supports and has strong links with. We were overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of everyone we met … but also by the stark poverty.

  • We saw kids dressed in rags, begging on the streets.
  • We saw shacks at the side of the road from the airport.
  • We saw children who’d been rescued from desperate conditions.

Last year, wanting to do what I could to help, I ran a birthday sale here on Aliventures. I thought we might just about raise enough to sponsor a baby in the baby home. We raised $600 by my birthday (December 12th): more than enough, with extra money to support other children.

Ayshu, who we sponsored, is three years old now, a bright, happy little girl. Here’s the latest photo I have of her:

This year, I’d like to match that $600 again (and hopefully exceed it!) So all three of my Blogger’s Guides (plus the combined pack) are half price again.

That means:

  • $14.50 (instead of $29) for each individual Guide
  • $28.50 (instead of $57) for the three-pack of Guides

I only run a half-price sale once a year, so if you don’t want to wait 12 months, grab them up now!

The sale will end on midnight (Pacific time) on Sunday December 11th – that’s 8am on my birthday, Monday 12th, in the UK. 🙂

Note: if you’d prefer to pay in GBP, use the donation button at the bottom of the page. Thanks!

Get Your Blogger’s Guides Today…

 $28.50 for all three


$14.50 each


The Blogger’s Guide to Freelancing will teach you how to:

  • Make real money from your blogging – today, not in a three year’s time
  • Write great job applications – so that you stand out from the crowd
  • Get paid on time – because you don’t want to lose out on the money you’ve earned
  • Come up with great ideas – even when you’re on deadline
  • Market yourself through your website and social media – so that jobs come to you



The Blogger’s Guide to Effective Writing will teach you how to:

  • Construct great blog posts – easy to write, engaging to read
  • Write for the web – using tried-and-tested techniques
  • Produce different types of post, like reviews and lists, to keep your blog interesting
  • Revise, edit and proof-read your posts – so that your content grabs and keeps attention
  • Develop your blogging voice, to turn casual readers into lifelong fans

The Blogger’s Guide to Irresistible Ebooks will teach you how to:

  • Come up with an ebook idea that you know your readers will love
  • Get to grips with outlining, planning and structuring – so that your ebook is easy to write
  • Stay motivated over the long-haul – because you want to finish your ebook
  • Polish up your ebook so that it’s easy for readers to engage with
  • Sell your ebook online, in simple steps – because it’s easier than you think





Prefer to Donate?

If you’d like to make a donation, instead of or as well as buying the ebooks, you can do that by clicking here.

If you want to buy the ebooks in GBP (£) then it’s £8.99 for one (please let me know which you want!) or £17.67 for all three.

Donate in USD:

Donate in GBP:

Every single penny makes a difference to kids who are some of the poorest of the poor. Thanks so much for your support.

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