You’re rushing around between different commitments – work projects, admin, cleaning, cooking, family, friends, promises…
Do you find it hard to ever stop?
Do you have great plans and goals which you can’t ever find time for?
Do you find yourself inexplicably tearful or angry?
Does life feel like a relentless race, where, every day, you fall a little further behind?
Maybe you’ve started questioning what the point is. Maybe you feel trapped. Maybe you tell yourself that after your vacation, you’ll be less stressed. Or after you move house. Or once the kids are in school. You look forward to some perfect day when your life will be spacious, fulfilling and balanced.
Regain Your Balance is an 85 page ebook, with a quick worksheet for each chapter to help you dig straight in so that you can address your most pressing needs.
This is for you if:
- You can’t understand where all your time and money is going. It feels like there should be plenty of both, but there isn’t …
- You shelved your painting or writing or music a few years ago, and never went back to it …
- You keep trying to make improvements, but somehow life keeps on reverting back to the same busy state.
Contents of Regain Your Balance
I’ve designed Regain Your Balance with six stand-alone chapters so that even if you can only spend fifteen minutes, you can start taking real action to make a clear difference in your life.
Here’s a little taster of what’s inside…
Chapter 1: Taming Time will help you:
- Find enough time for what you want to do by cutting out time sinks
- Work and rest at the times of day which are right for you
- Avoid taking on too much … even if you’re chronically bad at saying “no”
- Have a balanced family life (special article included thanks to Dustin Riechmann of Engaged Marriage for these tips!)
- Get back in touch with your creative side
- Understand and overcome the initial resistance associated with creativity
- Find balance within your creative work – crucial for success and satisfaction
Chapter 3: Finding Focus will help you:
- Focus on your goals: achieve more, with less effort
- Get the important things done – every single day
- Clarify what outcome you’re after
Chapter 4: Energising Environment will help you:
- Turn work into your default behaviour, supported by your surroundings
- Sort out your computer environment to remove distractions and frustrations
- Deal easily with clutter without spending hours tidying and cleaning
Chapter 5: Real Recharging will help you:
- Relax and switch off – even if you find it really hard to unwind
- Find leisure activities which engage you, so you don’t keep thinking about work
- Tackle the crucial but neglected social and physical aspects of your energy levels
Chapter 6: Managing Money will help you:
- Straighten out your attitude towards money (hint: it’s not evil, nor is it your ultimate goal)
- Save money with virtually no thought or effort
- Give yourself permission to spend money on the things which you want
Regain Your Balance Extras
I’ve included a simple two-minute questionnaire at the start of the ebook, so you can tick a few boxes and figure out exactly where to begin.
Plus, you get my resource guide with the very best blogs, books and software for helping you stay balanced. I’ve even indicated which area of balance each resource applies to.
You also get a gorgeous screen-friendly version of the ebook for easy reading on your computer, and a plainer printer-friendly version so you can print it, jot notes on it, and carry it around with you (without wasting ink on huge graphics).
Oh, and you get six worksheets in .doc and .pdf formats, so you can fill them in on your screen, or print them.
How much for all of that? Just $19.
We all know how to balance, deep down. But sometimes we fall. Sometimes circumstances knock us sideways. I’ve learnt how to balance my life, and I want you to regain your balance too.
My Guarantee to You
I know buying an ebook is a big step, and I want it to be as worry-free as possible for you. You can download the introduction and first chapter totally free, to see if this feels right for you. And even if you buy and decide it isn’t for you, I’ll give you your money back – any time – no strings attached. That’s not a 30-day or a 60-day guarantee, that’s a lifetime guarantee. Because balance isn’t a one-shot trick. It’s a lifelong practice.