A Quick Guide to Formatting Your Microsoft Word Manuscript for Amazon’s Kindle

7 Nov 2016 | Publishing

word-manuscript-for-kindle One daunting task for many self-publishing authors is how to get their finished book up for sale on Amazon as an ebook. It’s not as simple as just uploading your manuscript … right? Well, it can be! Amazon’s KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) service gets easier to use every year. If you have a fairly straightforward manuscript – like a novel, collection of short stories, or text-only non-fiction book – you can upload your Microsoft Word document, preview it, and have a finished ebook in minutes. In this post, I’ll explain how. Quick note to Writers’ Huddle members – you have a much fuller version of this now available as a video seminar, with detailed step-by-step instructions. There’s also a transcript with screenshots.

Setting Up Your Paragraph and Chapter Title Styles

Many writers don’t know what styles are in Word – or why they’re so important. Styles let you quickly format a specific type of text: a “normal” paragraph, a chapter title, or anything else that you’ll be using more than once. Instead of going through each and every paragraph, manually adding an indent, and instead of painstakingly highlighting each chapter title to make it large and bold … use styles! They’re quicker for you … and they mean that Amazon’s KDP uploader can understand your document. Here’s how to set up the three most important styles for your document:

#1: “Normal” Paragraphs

The default Word format is “Normal”. Word documents default to business style: each new paragraph starts flush with the left-hand margin, and there’s a blank line between paragraphs … just like there is in this blog post. normal-space-between-paragraphs For an ebook, though, you’ll want to indent your paragraphs and remove the space between them. Here’s how: Step #1: Click the “Home” tab on the Microsoft Office ribbon: you should see a Styles pane with “Normal” as (usually) the first style. Right-click on Normal and click “Modify” modify-normal-style Step #2: You should see a pop-up window. On this, click the “Format” dropdown at the bottom and select “Paragraph”: normal-format-paragraph Step #3: Another window will appear. Now:
  • Under “Indentation”, set the “Special” indent to “First line” and “By” to 0.5 cm. (The default, 1.27 cm, is much too large on the Kindle.)
  • In “Spacing”, set the “After” dropdown to “0”.
  • (Optional) Increase the line spacing: I find that 1.15 comes out quite cramped on the Kindle and prefer to use 1.6.
adding-first-line-indent Click OK on both windows. All your paragraphs should now have changed to look like this: new-normal-style

#2: Non-Indented Paragraphs

Pick up any book and you’ll see that the very first paragraph of each chapter or section, and any paragraphs after a break, are not indented. Here’s how to do this for your manuscript: Step #1: Click anywhere on a normal paragraph in your document. Then, click the “More” dropdown on the Styles pane and select “Save Selection as a New Quick Style”. styles-more-dropdown save-new-style Step #2: Enter a name for the new style. I call mine “Normal firstline”: normal-firstline-naming Step #3: Find your new style in the Styles pane, then right-click it and select “Modify”: normal-firstline-modify Step #4: Select Format then Paragraph. On the next screen, set the “Special” indent to “None”: firstline-formatting Step #5: Click on the first paragraph in your manuscript that comes after a chapter heading, subheading or blank line between sections. Click the “Normal firstline” button in the Styles pane. apply-normal-firstline Repeat this step for every applicable paragraph in your manuscript. (It can be fiddly to spot them all, so you may want to make a note to watch out for any you missed when you proofread.)

#3: Chapter Titles

For the Kindle to recognise that your chapter titles are, in fact, chapter titles, you need to format them correctly. This means applying the Heading 1 or Heading 2 style. Either will work: I normally use Heading 1, but if you’ve divided your book into several parts, you could use Heading 1 for the part titles and heading 2 for the chapter titles. Here’s how to make it work. Step #1: (If you’ve already formatted chapter titles manually, e.g. by applying bold or resizing them). Click on the first chapter title in your document. On the Styles pane, click the “More” dropdown and then “Clear Formatting”. clear-formatting Step #2: Click on the chapter title (if you didn’t already do so for Step #1), then click “Heading 1” in the Styles pane. heading-1 Repeat this for every chapter title in your manuscript. You can, if you want, modify the Heading 1 style to make it a different colour, font, etc. from the default. The Kindle has its own defaults, though, and readers can customise font settings on their devices – so your changes won’t be reflected in the finished ebook.

Adding a Table of Contents

Once you’ve set up your chapter titles as “Heading 1”, you can then use Word to create a Table of Contents with just a couple of clicks. Step #1: Go to the start of your document (or the end, if you prefer to have the Table of Contents there) and click in a blank space. Step #2: Click on the “References” tab on the Word ribbon and click the “Table of Contents” dropdown. table-of-contents-button Step #3: Select “Automatic Table 1” by clicking on it. automatic-table-1 Step #4: You should see a table of contents at the start of your manuscript. The page numbers are automatically filled in for you. table-of-contents-example Note: Even if you don’t need a Table of Contents for your manuscript, this is a good way to check you’ve not missed out any chapter titles when formatting – if they’re not “Heading 1”, “Heading 2” or “Heading 3”, they won’t appear in the table. And that’s it! If you get stuck with Styles or have any questions, just pop a comment below.


I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.

Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.

My Novels

My contemporary fantasy trilogy is available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so read Lycopolis first.

You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.


  1. France

    Thank you for sharing this!

  2. Ivan Jordon

    Oh,I’m having a hard time o formatting my microsoft word kindle,good thing I find your site.

  3. Michael Chapman

    Amazing post. Thanks for the effort of sharing this tutorial with us. I really like reading this kind of posts since I learn more this way. I love teaching myself with computer staff over the internet. It really amazes me. Word is one of the most used apps and knowing how to maximize its use is really good. By the way, do you have any video blog post for this?

    • Ali

      Thanks Michael, glad to help! I don’t have a video version of this one … but I’ll let you know if I create one in the future. 🙂

  4. N J Read

    Oh my goodness I am beyond thrilled that your wonderful post has sorted out some of my formatting issues! I had reached a stand still but you have saved the day 🙂

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    • Ali

      Yay, so glad this helped! Formatting can be quite a steep learning curve the first time you tackle it … I promise it does get easier. 🙂

  5. peter brown

    thanks for all the info here
    when in word 1. what font and font size to use? 2. can you use italix? 3. can you write as follows “Doesn’t think any of us…his children…are worth a damn.”
    must you convert word to html before uploading?

  6. Minerva

    Hi, Ali! I love this post. It’s very helpful, especially to me that’s new to self-publishing. I just want to know though how do you edit the dedication page or acknowledgment page. Cause I really love to put those pages in my book, you know, kind of like a real author. Anyway, I center align it and all and highlight it as heading 1 in Word, but at the published work it didn’t happen the way I want it to happen. (It’s in epub though, I use calibre). I would love to hear your thoughts about this. Thank you.

    • Ali

      But of course you’re a real author, self-publishing or not! 🙂

      I too use centre align for the acknowledgements page, and the copyright page. I just put them in normal text, though, not Heading 1. With the acknowledgement, I’d suggest actually editing the text itself to be larger (not using a Style) — it’s the one time I do that. It’s not a chapter heading so it’ll probably confuse Calibre if you put it in as a Heading 1 or Heading 2. Good luck with it! It’s a few years now since I’ve used Calibre, but I often used to find I had to try a few different things before the manuscript would comes out the way I want.


  1. Editing Your Novel on Your Kindle: Creating a .Mobi File and Using Send-to-Kindle | Aliventures - […] If you’ve not yet got to grips with Microsoft Word’s Styles, I’d highly advise reading my post A Quick…

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