Blogger’s Guide Half-Price Sale for Charity
- All four of my Blogger’s Guides are half-price from Mon 9th – Sat 14th December
- All the money raised in that time will go to Divya Shanthi, a small charity in Bangalore, India
- Details of the guides are towards the bottom of this post

About Divya Shanthi … and Ayshu
I’m secretary of Divya Shanthi Mission Support, a tiny charity in the UK that exists solely to support Divya Shanthi in Bangalore. Back in July 2010, I only knew a little about Divya Shanthi’s work (our church has supported them for many years) … and when I went with my family to visit Bangalore for the first time, I was struck by the level of poverty there.- We saw kids dressed in rags, begging on the streets.
- We saw shacks at the side of the road from the airport.
- We saw children who’d been rescued from desperate conditions.
- $14.50 (instead of $29) for each individual Guide
- $33 (instead of $66) for the four-pack of Guides
Get Your Blogger’s Guides Today…
$33 for all four

$14.50 each
The Blogger’s Guide to Freelancing will teach you how to:

- Make real money from your blogging – today, not in three year’s time
- Write great job applications – so that you stand out from the crowd
- Get paid on time – because you don’t want to lose out on the money you’ve earned
- Come up with great ideas – even when you’re on deadline
- Market yourself through your website and social media – so that jobs come to you
The Blogger’s Guide to Effective Writing will teach you how to:

- Construct great blog posts – easy to write, engaging to read
- Write for the web – using tried-and-tested techniques
- Produce different types of post, like reviews and lists, to keep your blog interesting
- Revise, edit and proof-read your posts – so that your content grabs and keeps attention
- Develop your blogging voice, to turn casual readers into lifelong fans
The Blogger’s Guide to Irresistible Ebooks will teach you how to:

- Come up with an ebook idea that you know your readers will love
- Get to grips with outlining, planning and structuring – so that your ebook is easy to write
- Stay motivated over the long-haul – because you want to finish your ebook
- Polish up your ebook so that it’s easy for readers to engage with
- Sell your ebook online, in simple steps – because it’s easier than you think

The Blogger’s Guide to Loyal Readers will teach you how to:
Get your blog ship-shape, so that you make a great impression on first-time visitors
- Find new readers through social media, and by improving your blog’s SEO (search engine optimisation)
- Grow your blogging influence by creating stronger connections and reaching out to A-List bloggers
- Keep your readers engaged and loyal, and encourage them to interact with you
- Dig into crucial metrics so that you can figure out which strategies are working best for you
I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.
Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.
Start Here
If you're new, welcome! These posts are good ones to start with:
Can You Call Yourself a “Writer” if You’re Not Currently Writing?
The Three Stages of Editing (and Nine Handy Do-it-Yourself Tips)
My Novels
My contemporary fantasy trilogy is available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so read Lycopolis first.
You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.
- Four Ways to Help a Good Cause Through Your Blogging (and One Huge Reason Why) - […] year since 2010, I’ve sold my “Blogger’s Guide” ebooks at half-price during the week of my birthday, and I…
- Four Ways to Help a Good Cause Through Your Blogging (and One Huge Reason Why) | - […] year since 2010, I’ve sold my “Blogger’s Guide” ebooks at half-price during the week of my birthday, and I…
Ali, this is fantastic! What a perfect treat for the holidays. Spreading the word!
Dana Sitar’s last blog post ..Get to Know Yourself Before Sharing Your Story with Your Audience
Thanks Dana, really appreciate it!
Hi Ali,
As Dana said, this is surely a steal at the price! I’ll make sure to grab the pack. You’re not only helping Ayshu and other poor kids, but also helping people like me by lowering the price.
I never knew you’d been to India! But great to hear you have been here.
Thank you.
Rapal Seni’s last blog post ..Why 60% Prices End With a 9?
Thanks Raspal (I think a letter got missed out of your name…!)
I really enjoyed visiting India and would love to go back. As well as visiting Divya Shanthi in Bangalore, we went to Delhi and saw the Taj Mahal, which was magnificent — but to be honest the best part for me was meeting all the kids at Divya Shanthi and seeing the new home for the babies and toddlers that our church had fund-raised for. 🙂
Hi Ali,
Yep, that was a typo. Just today I went to open a new bank account. The lady who helped me open it got a call from someone from the bank who asked her about how many new account forms are going out today. She replied, “only two forms, one is of Rasal Seni and another …”. Hearing that, I thought to myself, “Good God, she didn’t replace the P with a C in my name”. Someone had done that a few years ago.
I’ve visited the Taj Mahal last year, but didn’t like it much – it’s just a tomb.. I liked Bangalore and Mysore much more.
Raspal Seni’s last blog post ..Get 50% off on Blogger’s Guides – Less Than 12 Hours Left
Ali, you’re doing a wonderful job.
Thomas’s last blog post ..CULTURE AND CHRITIAN VALUES …
Hi Ali, happy birthday to you! i’ve just downloaded the sample of your book in pdf format. Can’t wait to read it!
It’s nice to know that you’re doing charity work.
I myself am a Christian and I know it’s the heart of God to help those in need.
I’m going on holiday from tomorrow so if I don’t get the chance again this year, merry Christmas and a happy new 2014.
Thanks Annette, and a merry Christmas and happy new year to you too. 🙂