You might have noticed that I’ve been a bit quiet recently. I was away at BlogWorld (and had a blast!) and I’ve also been busy putting the finishing touches to my novel, Lycopolis.

This novel has been over three years in the making. It’s gone through seven drafts. Dozens of people have helped me along the way – with invaluable feedback, emotional support, great advice and more.

And today, it’s out there and waiting to be read.

I’ve published several hundreds of thousands of words over the past few years. You can find my blog posts  all over the internet. I make a living through my writing. I’m hugely proud of that. But this novel represents, to date, my very best work. I’m thrilled (and a little bit nervous) to have finally published it.

What’s Lycopolis About?

If you’ve been reading my blog posts (here on Aliventures or elsewhere) for a while, you’ll find some familiar themes cropping up in Lycopolis: 

  • The online world and the way we make connections there
  • Writing and the imagination
  • Who we are at our best … and at our worst


Here’s the novel’s blurb:

One Hallowe’en, a group of online roleplayers summon a demon, The Prince of Nightmares. Seth, who’s in charge of the game, says it’s “just for fun”. But disturbing things start to happen in real life: red marks appear on the foreheads of the gamers, and they’re all having nightmares about a dark forest.

Secrets come out, friendships are broken, and the boundaries between the real, the virtual and the imaginary become increasingly fractured as the Prince becomes more powerful. Kay, a fresher at Oxford, is the only person who realises what Seth is doing – and it’s up to her to stop him.

If you like fast-paced fiction with strong characters and aren’t averse to a bit of geekery and a touch of the supernatural, then I think you’ll enjoy it. 🙂

You can buy it for the Kindle today:



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