I’m going to be away for the rest of September, travelling round Europe (Bucharest, Brasov, Budapest, Vienna, Venice and Rome!) I’ll have sporadic internet access, but I won’t be blogging.

I will, however, be sending out newsletters. Yay!

So … if you’re not already on the Aliventures newsletter, I highly recommend joining up now. We’ve just reached one thousand members, and I’d love to have you on board too!

I send out a short newsletter every Wednesday, and you can find out all about it here.

And I’ll also be tweeting, when I have net access. You can find me on Twitter here.

When I get back in October, I’ve got several exciting things planned, including the final stages of a big project that I’ve been working on for three years – my novel, Lycopolis. You’ll be hearing all about that as I gear up to launch it to the world… 🙂

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