My newest ecourse, Blog On, is now open for registration.


You can get all the details on the Blog On page, but here’s the quick run-down:

  • Eight week course, delivered online
  • Step-by-step guidance to take you through four key types of blog post
  • … so that you finish the course with four really awesome posts on your blog
  • … AND you have all the skills and knowledge you need to write great posts in the future
  • … WITHOUT having to spend hours and hours struggling in front of a blank screen.

Oh, and you also get:

  • Help and support throughout the course
  • Your questions answered in regular Q&As
  • Entries into a prize draw for every post that you complete on time (I’m going with the carrot approach to motivation)
  • Access to all the course materials for as long as you want

Sounds good? It is good! 😀

I’ve been working away on this for months, so it’s really exciting to finally be opening it up to the world. I let a few bloggers in for a sneak-peak at the materials, and they’ve been saying lots of lovely things:

Following the Blog On Course by Aliventures and completing the assignments I wrote my first really amazing “how to” post. […]

It’s a very detailed guide. Ali doesn’t forget anything: writing style, crafting the post, writing a killer title, etc. She definitely inspires you to take action and complete the assignments.

– Cristina Cortés

I am incredibly excited to participate in Ali’s new ecourse, Blog On.For many months I have been laying the ground work to launch a new blog (with much help from Ali’s On Track ecourse) and Blog On is the next logical step for my blogging. […]

While Blog On has all of the technical elements you might expect from a blog writing course, the presence of small, achievable goals which add up to big accomplishments is what makes it so valuable. Ali has a way of making the undoable, done. It’s what keeps me coming back for more, and is better than ever in Blog On.

– Amber Black


And the wonderful Ainslie Hunter, an expert online educator and teacher, had this to say:

Ali isn’t just a gifted writer, she is also a natural online educator. The first thing you will notice about her online courses is her love of writing and passion for helping others.  Then you will notice how she breaks down the craft or writing into easy bite sized activities that us writer newbies can achieve and understand.  And finally you will be blown away by the encouragement she provides to her students.

And this new course.  Let me tell you that it delivers. You will not just learn how to create different types of blog posts.  You will also learn how that same knowledge can be applied again and again for bigger, better and longer pieces. You see Ali isn’t just thinking about her students whilst they are in her course.  She is thinking about how her students can use the same knowledge in two months or two years time.

– Ainslie Hunter


Because this is the first time I’ve run Blog On, I’m keeping the prices crazily low. You can join in for just $39 – or pay an extra $8 and get Gold membership (a whole extra three modules to get your blog’s pages into shape).

I’ve written up a guide to the entire course, and answered a few common questions, over on the Blog On page, so if you’re a blogger or would-be blogger, go and check it out today.

Registration closes this Friday, 3rd June at 23:59 PST – as soon as you sign up, you’ll get access to all the introductory materials (including some extra goodies to download), and the course itself kicks off on Monday 6th June.

This is the only post that I’ll be writing about Blog On, so I strongly recommend either checking it out right now or, if you’re busy, popping a note in your diary to take a look before Friday.

Hope to see you inside the course! 🙂

Click here to find out all about Blog On.



SUMMER SALE: Everything in the shop half-price with code SUMMERSALE24


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