Interested in hiring me to write for your website or publication?

I’m a freelance content writer and ghostwriter with 16+ years of experience.

Email me at or drop me a message on LinkedIn with details of your project … or keep reading for more information on what I can offer.

Hire Me

The main topic areas I cover are:

  • Digital marketing
  • Small business
  • WordPress
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Creative writing
  • Self-improvement
  • Baby & pregnancy

I’m willing to consider most other topics too (though not tobacco, guns, or gambling).

I’ve written for…

I do a lot of ghostwriting, but sites/publications I’ve written for under my own name include:


 You can find plenty of my writing on the Aliventures blog, but here are a few samples showing the type of articles I can produce for you as a freelancer. Click on any sample to read the full piece (it’ll open in a new tab).


 My rates depend on the project and what you need from me.

I typically charge from $0.15/word–$0.20/word. That’s $150–$200 for a 1,000 word article.

At the lower end of that scale, projects look like:

  • Regular work (2 or more articles per month)
  • Little research required
  • One round of light edits
  • SEO optimization if required (client to supply Clearscope or similar report)

At the higher end of that scale, projects look like:

  • One-off article or sporadic work
  • More research-intensive
  • More detailed edit requests (e.g. from more than one stakeholder)
  • Supplying extras like images, social media copy, formatting/uploading articles, etc

I want every single word to be spot on, so I don’t use ChatGPT or any kind of generative AI when producing content for you. (If you prefer to use an AI tool yourself to create draft content and then have me edit and/or optimise it, we can discuss a rate for that.)

Note: I live in the UK but most of my clients are in the US, so I give my standard rates in dollars. If you’re also in the UK, I’ll be very happy to quote and bill in pounds.

Contact Me

To get in touch and see if we’re a good fit for one another, drop me an email at

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