Help with Publishing an Ebook

Thank you so much for buying Publishing E-Books For Dummies! I hugely appreciate it … and I’m sorry that I need to direct you to this page rather than give you a detailed answer to your question.

Updates Since Publishing E-Books Came Out

There have been, inevitably, a lot of changes in the ebook world since Publishing E-Books came out in 2012. The vast majority of the book still stands; however, these days I recommend uploading your manuscript to Amazon in Word document form, as a .doc or docx (not converting to an .html file, etc, first). Do preview to ensure all looks correct.

Technical Support

Many of the queries I get are technical ones, particularly about Microsoft Word.

Chances are, your question can be answered by a quick Google search. I suggest including your version of Word, e.g. “Microsoft Word 2010” then the topic you need help with, e.g. “Microsoft Word 2010 insert page break”.

If you are decidedly non-techy (and lots of writers are!), then you might want to pay someone to format your ebook for you. BookBaby have a strong reputation in this field. You can also use through marketplaces like Fiverr: here’s an example of someone offering formatting services. (Disclaimer: I do my own formatting and cannot vouch for any particular individual or company in this area.)

Recommended Resources

Here are some books and blogs I highly recommend that may help you on your ebook journey:



Structuring Your Novel, K.M. Weiland (loads of practical examples and specific tips)

Write a Novel and Get it Published, Nigel Watts (a good all-round beginners’ guide, though getting a little dated on the publishing side of things)


Let’s Get Digital, David Gaughran (authoritative, clear guide to digital / self-publishing)

Write. Publish. Repeat.: The No-Luck Required Guide to Self-Publishing Success, Sean Platt and Johnny B. Truant (their specific system may not be quite right for you, but there’s lots of good stuff in here)


How to Market a Book, Joanna Penn (lots of high-level, strategic advice for new authors)

Let’s Get Visible, David Gaughran (covers similar ground to Joanna Penn’s book)

You can read my reviews of these two books here.


The Creative Penn (Joanna Penn)

The Book Designer (Joel Friedman)

Helping Writers Become Authors (K.M. Weiland)

Why I No Longer Answer Individual Readers’ Questions by Email

I know you may be feeling a little hurt or annoyed that I can’t answer your question.

When I wrote Publishing E-Books, back in the first half of 2012, I had no kids. I became pregnant with my first child just as I turned in the final chapters of the manuscript to my editor at Wiley.

Fast-forward to today, and I have two lovely kids — Kitty, born in March 2013, and Nick, born on Christmas Eve 2014. I also have a husband studying a full time PhD, and my business to run (I do a mix of freelance writing, writing and selling my own ebooks, and working with writers through my Writers’ Huddle site).

While I would love to have the time to answer lots of questions about ebooks, the truth is, these days I simply don’t. I’m sure that if you have kids of your own, you can understand why … and if you don’t have kids, you can perhaps imagine!

I’m always happy to consider questions or topic suggestions for the Aliventures blog or newsletter, but most of the questions I get from Publishing E-Books readers are highly specific to one individual’s situation. If your question is fairly broadly applicable, do feel free to send it to me for a blog / newsletter piece. You can find my contact details here.

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