Successful Guest Blogging

Six week course, runs Mon 12th Nov – Sun 23rd Dec

Successful Guest Blogging is an in-depth course that teaches you how to write guest posts for other blogs, in order to grow your audience, gain more writing experience, promote your products or services, or get paid as a freelancer.

It costs $60 for the full six weeks plus four bonus weeks of free support after the end of the course.

Guest Blogging

Get to Grips with Guest Blogging … In Just Six Weeks

Successful Guest Blogging is a six-week online course aimed at bloggers and writers who want to start writing for large blogs.

The modules cover, step by step, everything you need to do to land guest posts on major blogs in your topic areas: understanding your goals, getting your own blog ready, finding guest posting opportunities, pitching your ideas, writing and editing your post, and taking your next steps after you have a guest post published.

I’ve been guest blogging since early 2008 and it’s been a major part of growing my Aliventures audience and selling my products and services. Successful Guest Blogging is a brand new course for 2018, aimed at bloggers who are already fairly confident writing blog posts. (If you need more help with writing posts, my Blog On course is probably a better fit for you … though you’re welcome to give Successful Guest Blogging a try anyway!)

Successful Guest Blogging costs just $60 for the full six week course, which includes four free weeks of support after the course ends.

Six Weekly Modules

Module #1: Getting You and Your Blog Ready

This module covers:

  • Understanding what guest blogging is, and exploring your goals: what are you hoping to achieve?
  • Getting your own blog into good shape … before you start landing guest posts and bringing in new readers
  • Identifying the key topics that you could guest blog about, and tying these in with your goals

Module #2: Finding Guest Posting Opportunities

This module covers:

  • Where to find blogs that accept guest posters … and how to tell if they’re good opportunities for you
  • Whether you need a prior relationship with a blogger before pitching them a guest post
  • Understanding and following common conventions plus any guest posting guidelines

Module #3: Coming Up with Ideas and Pitching Your Post

This module covers:

  • Creating lots of great ideas for your guest posts … and writing compelling titles
  • Sample emails that you can customise to pitch your own guest posts to blog editors
  • What to do and what not to do when you’re contacting blog editors

Module #4: Writing Your First Guest Post

This module covers:

  • How to craft your guest post, from start to end, so it’s a good fit for the blog
  • Tips for self-editing your guest post … and what to expect from your host blog in terms of edits
  • Sourcing images, formatting your post, and sending it in the right format

Module #5: Crafting a Compelling Guest Post Bio

This module covers:

  • Why your bio is so crucial – we’ll take a look at some examples of good ones
  • The things you should include in your guest post bio, if possible
  • Which posts or pages on your blog you should link to from your bio

Module #6: Going Further After Your Post is Published

This module covers:

  • What to expect after your post goes live on the host blog
  • How to establish an ongoing guest posting relationship with the blog (if you want to)
  • Moving on from guest posting to become a paid blogger

What Past Course Members Say

It has been a rewarding experience for me, though challenging, as it’s all so new to me. The feedback has really helped me personally. As far as course content – it’s brilliant what ever stage people are at and it’s good to be accountable as it keeps us working. You are always there for support, even by email and you have been a great help to me personally – especially when I was pulling my hair out over WP etc … you Ali Luke are a special person!

Angela Linney

Blog On (Spring 2018) member

I’ve been a journalist for the past 15 years and while I’m quite disciplined when it comes to my work, I tend to procrastinate with regards to my personal writing projects. Joining the On Track Writing Course has kept me, well, on track! It has provided an easy writing structure that I can follow and made me more accountable. In fact, after I finished the two-month course, I managed to finish two pillar posts for my travel blog and the second draft for my thesis proposal.

Prime Sarmiento

On Track member

What You’ll Get

Weekly Emails

As soon as you join, you’ll get an email with your Welcome Pack, which includes the full course schedule and the link to our private Facebook group.

Once the course begins, you’ll receive an email every Monday, with a short introduction to that week’s module, and a link to download the module itself. (I also include the links to previous modules, in case you’ve misplaced them.)

Every Friday, I send a quick reminder email, with the module link again. If you want, you can reply to any of the course emails to ask questions: replies come straight to me at


Written Modules

All core materials are written, so you work through them as quickly or slowly as you like. You can download them onto multiple computers or devices, or even print them out to work through.

Where appropriate, I’ll include screenshots or images to show you how to accomplish something (e.g. how to format your guest post as HTML).

Facebook Group

Our private Facebook group is a great place to get help and support from me and from fellow members. It’s also where you can “check in” each week to earn reward stamps. More on that below…

Get the Most out of the Course

Your Facebook Group: Get Help and Support During and After the Course

Successful Guest Blogging includes a private Facebook group where you can meet other members of the course — and where you can ask any questions you want.

This is a private, members-only group, so no-one will see your posts except the people taking the course alongside you.

After Successful Guest Blogging is over, I’ll be around on Facebook to support you for the next four weeks. After that, you’re still welcome to use the group to stay in touch with fellow bloggers. Of course, you can leave the group at any time and still have full access to the course itself.

(If you don’t use Facebook or prefer not to join the group, you’re also welcome to email me questions at any time.)

Your Reward Card: Get a Hefty Discount on Your Next Course

Although you get to keep all the course materials, so you can go at your own pace, you’ll get the best results if you stick with the group schedule and finish a module each week.

Each week, we have a “check in” topic on Facebook: all members are encouraged to post here once they’ve completed that week’s module. The deadline is the end of the Sunday (e.g. if a module comes out on Monday 12th November, the deadline for checking in is 11:59pm on Sunday 18th November).

If you check in before the module’s deadline, you get a stamp on your (virtual!) card. Each stamp equals 5% off a future course.

You can get a total of six stamps – so up to 30% off. This can be redeemed on any of my other online courses.

(If you don’t use Facebook, you’re welcome to check in for the module by emailing me, and I’ll email your stamped reward card to you.)

About Ali

I’ve been blogging since the start of 2008 … and guest blogging has been a huge factor in the growth of my business. I’ve posted for dozens of different blogs across the years, including ProBlogger, Copyblogger, The Write Life, Write to Done, Craft Your Content, Helping Writers Become Authors, The Creative Penn,, and many more.

I’ve used guest blogging to grow my own audience, to sell specific products (particularly my Blogger’s Guides ebooks) and to make a name for myself in the blogging world. From early on, a high percentage of my guest posts have been paid ones. Whatever you want to get out of guest blogging, I’d be delighted to be part of your journey.

Join Now

Sign up now at just $60 for the full course (six modules across six weeks, plus a further four weeks of help and support).

You’ll receive your Welcome pack straight away, so you can join the Successful Guest Blogging Facebook group and start getting to know fellow members who’ll be taking the course alongside you.

Payment Questions

What if I Change My Mind About the Course?

I know it can be tricky to decide whether a course is going to be the right one for you.

With all of my courses, I offer a full money-back guarantee. If you join and later decide the course isn’t for you, just let me know any time within the six weeks of the course, and I’ll be very happy to refund you in full.

How Do I Pay for the Course?

Just click the “Join Now” button above and you’ll be directed to PayPal to pay. You should see the option to pay with a credit/debit card, which you can use if you don’t have a PayPal account. (I never see your credit/debit card information or any other details; PayPal just sends me the money!) If neither of those options work for you, please drop me an email ( so we can work something out.

Can I Pay in Instalments?

If you’d like to take a course but can’t easily manage the $60 fee up-front, do contact me, as I can offer you a payment plan (e.g. $20 each week for three weeks or $10 each week for six weeks). I’ll never charge you more than the $60 price of the course, even if you need to pay in multiple instalments.

Do You Offer Any Discounts?

If you’re under 18, or in full-time education, please contact me rather than paying full-price as I normally have a few places on each course set aside at a lower rate. (You don’t need to provide proof of your age / student status; I’ll trust you!)

If you have a reward card from a previous course and would like to use it for a discount on this one, please contact me and I’ll send you a special payment link.

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